Pathological and mycoplasmal studies on sheep suffering from respiratory affection in one of alexandria governorate farm

Abstract: The present work describes an outbreak of respiratory affections in a herd of 650 sheep in a closed farm in Alexandria Governorate. Fever, respiratory distress and high mortality were the most observed clinical syndromes. Different mycoplasma species could be islated ( 23 isolates) from ovine nasal and conju nctival swabs and lung tissues . The isolates included Mycoplasma arginini 10 isolates ( 60%) , Mycoplasma agalactiae 5 isolates (22%) and M.conjunctivae 8 isolates (35%) .Infected sheep had leukocytosis due to increase of neutrophil and non- significant decrease in haemogram. Post- mortem findings were found in the thoraciecavity in theform of accumulation of reddish serofibrinons exudate and bepatized lungs. Microscopically , there was odema, thickening and inflammatory cell infiltration in the pleura and interlobular septa, grey hepatization of the lungs with hyperplasia of bronchial epithelium which undergo necrotic changes .
Publication year 2004
Pages 84-99
Availability location مكتبة معهد بحوث صحة الحيوان - ش نادى الصيد - الدقى - الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
City القاهرة
serial title المجله المصرية للباثولوجيا المقارنة والباثولوجيا الاكلينيكية
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Egypt. Mycoplasmoses. Pathology. Respiration. Sheep.
Publication Type Journal