The First Research
Laboratory Investigation on Bacterial
Pneumonia in Camels
Abstract: The present study aimed to throw a light on the important clinical, clinico- Pathological, pathological & etiological aspects of pneumonia among camels Slaughtered in El- Basatein Abattoir, Cairo- Egypt. During one year, 2004, a Detailed study of haematological, serum biochemical as well as pathological changes associated with the disease in camels was carried out. The study covered the examination of 160 camels suffered from pneumonia (pre & post slaughtered cases) as well as 70 apparently healthy camels which served as control. Nasal swabs & lung tissue samples were collected from each case. Severe dyspnoea, moist cough, hurried respiration, cyanosis of the mucous membranes, anorexia & depression. The bacteriological study included S. pneumoniae, S. aureus, E. coli, P. multocidu, M. haemolytica & S. pyogenes were the principal causes of pneumonia. The heamatological pieture of the diseased camels revealed a significant decrease in the red blood cell count, PCV & HB concentration associated with ieucocyyosis. The serum biochemical analysis revealed a significant decrease in both the total protein & albumin levels with significant increase in the level of globulin. Moreover, the serum levels of urea & creatinine were elevated. The pathological studies showed serofibrinous pneumonia where the alveolar Lumina showed edema & few fibrin threads infiltrated with mononuclears & pneumocytes type II. Fibrenous pneumonia was also encountered where the alveolar Lumina revealed eosinophilic exudate, with faint pink fibriller network of fibrin. Necrotic pneumonia was also seen where the alveolar Lumina were distended with cellular exudate which consisting of denuded necrotic alveolar lining, minimum inhibitory concentration test (MIC) for each type of the isolated bacteria revealed that the isolated bacteria were highly sensitive to gentamicin followed by Nitrofurantoin, Amikacin Enroflaxacin & Chloramphenicol, respectively.
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مكتبة معهد بحوث صحه الحيوان - ش نادي الصيد - الدقي - الجيزة
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serial title |
Egypt. J. comp. path. & Clinic. Path. Vol.19 no. 1 (January) 2006; 319-344
Author(s) from ARC |
Agris Categories |
Animal diseases
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