An Analytical Study of Determinants of The Supply of Egyptian Exports of Grapes

Abstract: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
• Egyptian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Egyptian Association of Agricultural Economics, Volume(27), Issue(2), June 2017.
Grapes is considered one of the important export crops in the Egyptian agricultural exports and target agricultural policy to increase and maximizing the return them, and the increase in foreign cash proceeds, which contribute to financing the agricultural development projects. Egyptian Exports of grape facing many of the factors that influence the supply of those exports, As well as increased domestic supply and lower prices, according to the rules of supply and demand, which requires identification of the causes and consequences on the stability of exports of Egyptian grapes.
Aims of the study; This study to focuses on: (1) The competitive situation of the Egyptian grapes, (2) Production and exports of Egyptian grapes study. (3) Seasonal Egyptian exports of grapes.(4)Efficient export of Egyptian grapes. (5) The ability to comply with the requirements of export(6) The efficiency of export operations.
Results: (1)that the domestic production, the volume of exports, and availability of consumption of the Egyptian grape has taken an increasing trend during the period (2000-2015).(2) Egyptian exports concentrated in six markets; the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany, Russia, Italy, and the USA, as the most important traditional import markets for exports of grapes, has been reached during the first period (2008-2011) the proportion of 82.5%, and 92% during the second period (2012-2015).(3) For producing countries, a global competition to Egypt, America is in first place with an average production of about 6606 thousand tons, representing 28.6% tons of average total (producing nations competition), and 9.8% of total world production, Egypt occupies fifth place with an average production of about 1337 tons, accounting for 5.8% of the average group, and 2.0% of world production, followed by both India and Greece, with an average production of about 1505.1035 thousand tons, 6.5%, 4.5% of the average production of the group, and by an estimated 2.2%, 1.5% of the average world production.(4) The average monthly quantity exported Egyptian grapes during the period (2013-2015) approximately 12.7 thousand tons, distributed to the months of May, and June, and July, as evidenced seasons was about 347% 0.672%, 122.9%, respectively.(5)Exports decreased rates for the production of grapes during the second period (2012-2015) of the study compared to the first period (2008-2011) for each of Chile, Egypt, Turkey, and the Greece where these rates amounted to about 21.7%, 8.3%, 4.6%, 0.2% Respectively.(6) Domestic consumption represents the bulk of the Egyptian production of grapes, causing weakness of Egypt's ability to comply with export requirements, Although the existence of the price difference between the wholesale price and the export price is encouraging to increase the supply of grape exports.(7) Egypt enjoys stable production reached its index (37) compared to competition states, followed by the Greece (38), Chile (40), Turkey (50) are close to the values, while the lack of productive stability index value is high for both India (97), America (102), Spain (162.(8) Egypt occupies declining position of the operations efficiency export index, among competitive countries (Chile, Greece, India, Spain, Turkey, and the United States) where was ranked No. 6 among those states, as the index has a value of about 35.6 for the average total duration of the study (2008 -2015), suggesting a decline in the structure of state institutions, and export them in particular
1. consolidate storage capacity for grapes, to raise export rates, so that it can get a better selling opportunities
2. Study the windows of marketing, and early in production, to increase its market permeability.
3. To re-assess the system based on export, with respect to restructuring, because it is still unable to export payment rates are compatible with large production capacity for special grapes, agricultural and export goods and raw in general.
Publication year 2017
Pages 543 - 558
Availability location مكتبة معهد بحوث الاقتصاد الزراعي -الدقي-7 شارع نادي الصيد مبنى الهيئات والشركات(الدور الرابع)
Availability number
Organization Name
City القاهرة
serial title المجلة المصرية للاقتصاد الزراعي
Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type Journal