An Analytical Economic Study For The Price Fluctuations of Plant Crops Factors Affecting Their Impacts on The Egyptian Agricultural Production

Abstract: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
• Ph. D. in Agricultural Science (Agricultural Economics): Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Azhar University, 2004.
_______________________________________________________________________________________________The objective of this study is to evaluate the agricultural pricing policy and identify its ma1in characteristics. Moreover, it addresses price fluctuations and their impact on supply response and farmer's response to the economic constraints arising from such price fluctuations.
To meet the set objective, descriptive and quantitative analysis of time series data through general time trend and simple and multiple regressions were applied. Also, the index numbers and instability coefficient were used; The study is based on data obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture and the Central Agency for Public Mobilization And Statistics (CAPMAS).
The study includes five chapters, the first of which handles the introduction which covers the problem, objective, methodology, sources of data and the references review. The second part tackles the economic analysis of the pricing policy in A.R.E. and evolution of such policy since 1960 through present. This part tackles also the price structure at domestic, wholesale and retail level, It also covers some price relationships, margins and marketing efficiency for major crops.
The third part includes the economic analysis of crop fluctuations and reasons behind them. It throws some light on fluctuations of cost of production per feddan, The fourth part focused on major reasons behind farm price of major crops over 1974-2001.
The fifth part deals with the economic impacts of farm price fluctuations on both cultivated area and productivity/f, This part also, tackles evaluation of the cultivated area, average productivity/f. and the effect of changes inform price on farmer's response on what to grow, Based on the findings obtained from the supply response functions of major crops, only summer rice, wheat, summer tomatoes and summer potatoes have responded positively to changes in farm-gate prices. Also, productivity per feddan for the studied crops have not responded positively to the farmer year price, excluding summer maize, cotton, sugarcane and wheat.
The study presents a package of recommendations as follows:-
The state has to play an active role in domestic markets and put a floor price for crops to protect grower from the market failure.
Activation of the agricultural extension role and help growers to adapt new and improved technologies.
Development of cooperatives to play a genuine role in production and marketing processes.
Find a place for the indicative price of various crops within an accurate and timely data base.
Publication year 2004
Organization Name
Country Egypt
Publisher Name: كلية الزراعة - جامعة الأازهر
Place: القاهرة - مصر
Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type PhD Thesis