An Economic Study of Sugar Beet Production and Marketing in Sharkia Governorate

Abstract: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
• • M. Sc. in Agricultural Science (Agricultural Economics): Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Zaqaziq University, 2010.
Sugar is one of the most important strategical food crops that is because of its consumptive importance for human beings of different ages and levels, Thelocal production of sugar is about 1.778 ton during the year of 2008, the sugar cane participated with about 60.5% and the Beet with about 28.5% and the rest was from the corn and others ,The total consumption of sugar was about 2.642 million tons during the same year, and this means that there is a gap which is about 864 thausand tons, and the self sufficient rate of sugar in Egypt was about 67.29% during 2008.
The production and cost function of the Beet crop:
1) The results of the analogical analysize of the multi-variables productive relation of the crop of the whole sample in El-sharkia Governorate show that the valued module reflects (indicated) the increasing capacity returnees as the total valued flexibility was about 1.204 and also, adding the Dummy Variables to the fundamental production function shows the abstract statistically non-existence all over the study areas, this means that the difference of the study area doesn’t affect on the difference of the beet crop production. But, for the possessive divisions ,there was an abstract influence, this means that, each of them affect on the crop production all over the sample
2) Entering the Dummy variables into the fundamental costs function, it shows that there wasn’t abstracts statistical differences between the three areas of the study. This means that the differenice of the area doesn't influence on the costs where as, there was an abstract differences between the possessive divisions and the three agricultural season. This means the existence of abstract changes of the cost all over the season , and divisions from 2.356 feddan to 6.38 feddan. This leads to the decrease of the ton costs average from 155.5 to 53 pounds ,so that the pure returnee of the ton arises from 204.4 pounds to 306.87 pounds per ton. But incase of the performance sufficient level progression from the real production to the progression from the real production to the economical production which achieves the highest value of the pure returnee, so that the area should be 8.51 feddans ,so that the area should be 8.51 feddans ,so the ton costs will decrease to be 54.9 pounds and the pure returnee will be 3.5 pounds allover the whole sample..
So, according to the previous results , the study recommends the importance of:
1) An active and effective role of the agricultural extension with its different levels to get the economical, technical and agricultural information .
2) Regarding the Beet crop as one of the main agricultural crops in Sharkia Governorate, to save the agricultural inputs, especially the chemical fertilizers and pesticides to encourage the farmers on planting the Beet crop.
3) Encouraging the farmers to follow the crop matter that include the Beet crop to facilitate the mechanical service, and pesticides and increasing the marketing efficiency .
4) Increasing the working efficiency of the transpartation means to lower the loss and dryness rates .
5) Improvements the price levels of the crop to go along with the rise in factors of production prices and to increase the competitive efficiency between the Beet and other winter crops .
6) Making the two Beet factories in Sharkia-Governorate to work as soon as possible to compete Dakhlia factories and Kafr-El-Sheikh factories, and that will be beneficial for the farmers of this crop .
Publication year 2010
Availability location مكتبة معهد بحوث الاقتصاد الزراعي-7 ش نادى الصيد - مبنى الهيئات والشركات - الدقي- الجيزة (الدور الرابع)
Availability number
Organization Name
Country Egypt
Publisher Name: كلية الزراعة - جامعة الزقازيق
Place: الزقازيق - الشرقية - مصر
Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type Master Thesis