Economics of production and Distribution of Major Cereal Crops Seeds In A.R.E.

Abstract: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
• Ph. D. in Agricultural Science (Agricultural Economics): Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Tanta University, 2002.
The research aimed to reach the best alternative plans to distribute each of the raw seeds resulting from the proliferation fields in the governorates to the preparation and screening stations, as well as the distribution of seeds approved from the seed preparation and sifting stations to the reception centers in the governorates and to compare each of the alternative plans with their current counterparts to determine the amount of economic savings that the plans can achieve. The results indicated the following.
1- The statistical effect of the decrease in the area of wheat for the period before the economic liberalization was evident, but the number of wheat varieties increased from about 8 to 22 during the post-economic liberalization period.
2- The annual productivity of wheat for different varieties during the total study period increased at an annual rate of about 0.087 tons, and its significance was statistically proven.
3- The increase in the area of rice for different varieties significantly increased during the total study period, at an annual rate of about 19 thousand feddans.
4-The annual productivity of rice for various varieties increased during the total study period at an annual rate of about 0.066 tons, and its significance was statistically proven.
5 - The development of the operational capacity of the seed preparation and sifting stations until it reached 246 tons / hour and became spread throughout the Republic, as well as the geographical distribution of these stations. It became clear that Lower Egypt possesses 75% of the standard operational capacity and the share of Central Egypt reached 15.5% of the total energy Productivity, while Upper Egypt reached about 8.5% of the total.
6- By aggregating transportation savings by following the alternative plans obtained in that study for the various varieties of wheat, it was found that they amounted to about 117.3 thousand pounds, or about 13.2% of the total transportation cost of the current plans, which is about 890 thousand pounds, compared to their counterparts in alternative plans, which amounted to about 773 thousand pounds.
7- By aggregating transportation savings by following the alternative plans obtained in that study for the various varieties of rice, it was found that they amounted to about 39.1 thousand pounds, or about 14.2% of the total transportation cost of the current plans, which amounted to about 275.5 thousand pounds, compared to their counterparts in the alternative plans, which are of the adult About 236,4 thousand pounds.
Publication year 2002
Availability location مكتبة معهد بحوث الاقتصاد الزراعي-7 ش نادى الصيد - مبنى الهيئات والشركات - الدقي- الجيزة (الدور الرابع)
Availability number
Organization Name
Country Egypt
Publisher Name: كلية الزراعة - جامعة طنطا
Place: كفر الشيخ - مصر
Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type PhD Thesis