An Analytical Study to the Agricultural and Farm Credit in Egypt

Abstract: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
• M. Sc. in Agricultural Science (Agricultural Economics): Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Kafr El Sheikh University, 2010.
the agricultural sector in Egypt is considered one of the important economical constructs as it saves the nutritious and garmental need to satisfy the increasing needs for inhabitants as well as the materials needed for many industries that depend on the agricultural production hence this study credit and financial policy besides focusing on the effect of the economical changes on the Egyptian credi agricultural sector in addition this study focuses on realizing payment rates and collecting the agricultural debts in both the forming and agricultural levels standards.
the research problem is that the process of borrowing is considered a problematic issue and involves many obstacles the farmers face while borrowing from different financial resources within the present credit policy besides being the bank neglecting and doesn’t take into consideration the conditions of some farmers who have problems paying bank their loans as there is no payment period and the increasing interest.
The study showed after studying the paid of the deserved long term loans in the governorate a general annual reduction in so much as 1.13 thousand pounds in the period of the study.
The most vital results in this chapter that after studying the overall short term loans funds as well as the medial term ones in the governorate during the period of the study it showed a general increasing raise annually in so much as 35.03 million pounds. Also after studying the deserved installments of short and medial term loans in the governorate it showed a general increasing raise annually as 42.86 million pounds.
Depending in what we have mentioned previously we can conclude that the payment percentage for short and medial term loans increased significantly in the period of the study as it reached the percentage (90.79%) relating to the percentage of investigative long term loans payment it showed a general reduction comparing them to the short and medial term loans in the governorate in the period of the study as it reached the percentage (71.76%).
Publication year 2010
Availability location مكتبة معهد بحوث الاقتصاد الزراعي-7 ش نادى الصيد - مبنى الهيئات والشركات - الدقي- الجيزة (الدور الرابع)
Availability number
Organization Name
Country Egypt
Publisher Name: كلية الزراعة - جامعة كفر الشيخ
Place: كفر الشيخ - مصر
Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type Master Thesis