An Economic Analytical Study of The Obstacles That Hinder the Egyptian Exports of Horticulture Crops

Abstract: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
• M. Sc. in Agricultural Science (Agricultural Economics): Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Alazhar University, 2010.
There were many problems which adversely affect on value and amount of the Egyptian’s exports of vegetable and fruit crops, part of these problems are due to the situation of production for these crops and another part is due to competition from foreign States This study aimed to identify the obstacles of the development of the Egyptian exports of horticultural vegetables and fruits crops.
The second section dealt with the study of the current status of production and trade of the most important horticultural crop in Egypt, including the production of the most important horticultural crop in Egypt.
The chapter concerned with the second study the current status of the structure of Egyptian agricultural exports and the most important factors affecting them.
As shown in the third chapter that the study of the geographical distribution of goods between countries is important as it shows the relevance of the national economy to a market or markets more than the outside world.
The fourth section dealt with two components of the export structure and the problems facing the export of horticultural crops in Egypt, like the poor use of fertilizers and pesticides, the multiplicity and complexity of administrative procedures, the lack of availability of refrigerated containers and warehouses, and the high cost of land transportation. While it became clear that the most important problems facing the foreign export of crops of vegetables and fruits in Egypt it doesn’t give preferential treatment to the Egyptian.
To overcome these problems, it requires some of the policies and procedures that are needed for cooperation of all interested sector workers and agricultural exports, especially exports of Egyptian vegetables and fruits, the need to conduct studies on the pricing policies of the Egyptian export crops with specific programs for the development of Egyptian exports in general and agricultural in particular.
Publication year 2010
Availability location مكتبة معهد بحوث الاقتصاد الزراعي-7 ش نادى الصيد - مبنى الهيئات والشركات - الدقي- الجيزة (الدور الرابع)
Availability number
Organization Name
Country Egypt
Publisher Name: كلية الزراعة - جامعة الأزهر
Place: القاهرة - مصر
Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type Master Thesis