Marketing for Potato in New Lands: Case Study of Some Specialized Companies

Abstract: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
• M. Sc. in Agricultural Science (Agricultural Economics): Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, El zaqaziq University, 2015.
The study of agricultural marketing considers the important processes in the agricultural activity in general and vegetable production, in particular, whether the producers or the consumers. Increase the importance of studying marketing in the new lands because of the spatial distance from the consumption and marketing areas and weak marketing institutions in those areas as results of the low population density. Consequently the size of the profit is reduced despite rising costs.
The study aimed at the identifying the nature of the producer of potato farms. And also aimed at identify the marketing channels, and study all of the economic efficiency of farms operating in this sector. In addition the factors affecting the potato production and marketing margins in Egypt have been studied and identified.
The study relied on the published secondary data and preliminary field data collected from farmers, processors and exporters of potatoes. The field collected data covered the agricultural season 2011/2012. The study used statistical descriptive and quantitative method to analyze the data to accomplish the study objective. The averages and percentages of marketing margins have been calculated. The partial equilibrium Model has been applied potato situation. The change in the surplus of the producers and the consumers, the net economic loss for the producer and the consumer, the changes in trade balance and governmental budget have been estimated and measured. As well as the criteria of economic efficiency of potato producers, processors and exporters have been estimated and measured.
The study consists of five chapters as follows: the first chapter deals with the theoretical framework and explains the most important economic concepts of marketing. The second chapter review of the previous potato literature studies. The third chapter presents the relative importance of the potato production, relative importance of vegetable crops in Egyptian. The fourth chapter presents the economic impacts of Egyptian potato exports. In addition the welfare, resources allocation and government budget indicators have been measured using the Partial Equilibrium Model. The fifth chapter presents the economic efficiency measures of potato crop have been estimated.
The main objectives of the study can be summarized as follows:
(i) The whole sale margins are estimated at 34% of the farmgate prices.
(ii) The decomposition analysis of potato production values during the studied period indicate that: (a) the single impacts of potato cultivated area, yield, farmgate price are estimated at 53%, 6% and 34%, respectively. (b) the interaction impacts of cultivated area and yield, yield and farmgate price, cultivated area and farmgate price, and farmgate price, cultivated area and yield are estimated at 10%, 0.28%, -4% and 1.23%, respectively.
(iii) The potato farm budget analysis indicate that the gross margin per feddan, the gross margin per ton, the net profit per feddan, the net profit per ton, the farmer margin per ton and the farmer incentive are estimated at 10056 LE/feddan, 693.5 LE/ton, 4556 LE/feddan, 314.2 LE/ton, 372.8 LE/ton and 24%, respectively.
(iv) The partial equilibrium model analysis for potato exports (e.g., 637 thousand ton) indicates that: (a) the net social losses in production and consumption are estimated at 229 million LE and 2.112 billion LE, respectively. (b) the producer and consumer surpluses are estimated at 2.389 billion LE and 2.619 billion LE, respectively. (c) changes in government returns and foreign currencyare estimated at 2.342 billion LE and 3.619 billion LE, respectively.
Publication year 2015
Availability location مكتبة معهد بحوث الاقتصاد الزراعي-7 ش نادى الصيد - مبنى الهيئات والشركات - الدقي- الجيزة (الدور الرابع)
Availability number
Organization Name
Country Egypt
Publisher Name: كلية الزراعة - جامعة الزقازيق
Place: الزقازيق - الشرقية - مصر
Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type Master Thesis