The impact of flouting exchange rate on the behavior of the consumers for the red meat . ( Case study in Gharbia governorate)

Abstract: Summary
The central bank of Egypt issued the decree of flouting the exchange rate of the Egyptian pound in September 2016 which lead to raise the prices of agricultural inputs generally and specially the inputs of animal production which import from outside and so raised the prices of red meat.
The most important results were:
1-The rising in exchange rate by 10% leads to rises of the prices of the red meat, poultry and fish by 9.3% , 8.8% and 8.1 respectively.
2-The rising in exchange rate by 10% leads to lowing in consumption of red meat by around 7.5% , 6% in rural and urban respectively for the first category of incomes and for the second and third categories of income were 2.9 % , 2.5% in ruler and urban and 1.4% , 0.9 % consequently .It clear that the low category of income was the lowest in consumption of the red meat after the floating exchange rate.
3-Aincreasing in the red meat price by 10% leads to increased in consuming poultry by 8.1% . 7.2 in rural and urban for the first category of income and by 2.9% . 3% for the second and the third by 1.7% , 2.4% respectively .That means the categories of the low income were the highest in changing the pattern of consumption poultry instead of red meat and substitute it .
4-Aincreasing in red meat price by 10% leads to increasing in consuming the fish by 6.2% , 7.3% in rural and urban respectively for the first category of income and the second by 3.2% , 4.2% and the third by 1.5% , 2.2% in the rural and urban for the categories of income consequently .
Publication year 2019
Organization Name
Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type Journal