Rice Straw Management and Conservation of Environment Technical/economic Feasibility Analyses

Abstract: Rice is the second priority cereal crop in Egypt, proving higher importance from the production, consumption, exportation, farmers' income and profitability points of view. Good soil , climatic conditions, plus accumulation of production technology are the most important factors that make rice yields per unit area in Egypt is the highest in the world.
Rice farming in Egypt currently covers an area of more than 650,000 ha, which represents more than 12 % of the total cropped area. The main factor affecting further expansion of the rice area in Egypt is the shortage of water availability.
Although the yield of rice grain generates acceptable farm income and good profitability to farmers compared to other competing summer crops, the utilization of rice straw could be an additional source for more farm income and additional value added to the national income
Publication year 2008
Organization Name
Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type Technical Report