Impacts of Climate Change on Production and Reproductive Efficiency of the Dairy Hybrid Cows

Abstract: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
• Egyptian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Egyptian Association of Agricultural Economics, Vol.(29), No.(2), Cairo, Egypt,2019, PP 945-958.
Many studies have been conducted to estimate climate change on dairy production
and reproductive efficiency. Dairy production vulnerable to climate change and heat stress which impact the milk production of reproductive performance. This research aims to investigate the impact of climate change on production and reproductive efficiency of the hybrid cows.
The most important results were:
1- The hybrid caws vulnerable to heat stress in the three regions for all seasons except winter.
2- The increase in THI in (delta north) for summer more than winter. spring an autumn about 18.55. 12.04. 5.91 degrees consequently. and in the middle Egypt about 17.14. 11.85. 5.02. and for high Egypt about 15.69. 11.24. 4.25 on the same consequently.
3- The increase in THI by 1% leads to increase the insemination by 4.4 % and increase the period between tow reproductive by 15% and low the jollity by 9.8%
and lese milk production by 24% in the hybrid cows.
4- using the means of mitigating the THI leads to increase the cost production.
5- The losses of milk production resulting of high THI estimated by about 1143
pounds yearly (annul) for the head from the hybrid cow.
6- mitigating the effect of THI leads to improve the milk production and reproductive efficiency and high revenue to farmer.
Recommendation: Inform the farmer by the dangerous of climate change and its impact of the animal specially the diary and used the means mitigating its effect.
Publication year 2019
Pages 945 - 958
Availability location
Availability number
Organization Name
City الجيزة
serial title المجلة المصرية لأقتصاد الزراعي
Web Page
Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type Journal