An Economies of Organic Farming of Green Pea Crop in New Lands "Case Study in Nubaria"

Abstract: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
The 44th International Conference For Statistics, Computer Science and Its Applications 4 September 2019.
Organic agriculture is used for producing chemical and pesticides free agricultural products. Green pea crop is among the most exporting crops that are largely cultivated traditionally or organically in new lands. Present study principally aimed to investigate production economics for green pea which cultivated using organic system in Nubaria region, as a case study in new lands, based on primary date collected from representive research sample for the region during season (2017/2018) where production costs per feddan, and a factors the affect production were identified and studied through statistically analysis for production functions and certain economic efficiency indicators by using partial budget, for one feddan productivity of green pea.
The study should the following findings: 1. For the 1st category (less than 4 feddan) the total costs was higher than that for 2nd category (more than 4 feddan) by 8% due to reduction of total cost average when the total production is high, resulting in increment of total net profit by 23% feddan for 2nd propriety category for the 1st category. 2. The ratio between total profit and total cost, variable cost, Profit of the invested pound reached 163%, 216%, and 0.84 respectively. While for the 2nd category same ratios reached 184%, 234%, and 1.11 respectively, which clearly showed that expansion of cultivated areas reduces total production costs and increase net profit per fedden and Profit of the invested pound in organic production green pea.
Recommendations: Present study emphasis on necessity to take suitable and encouraging procedures to expansion green pea organic agriculture as protect the environment one hand, and to increase and open new foreign market to Egyptian exportation on the other hand.
Publication year 2019
Pages 66 - 81
Availability location مكتبة معهد بحوث الاقتصاد الزراعي - 7 شارع نادي الصيد مبني الهيئات والشركات- الدقي
Availability number
Organization Name
City القاهرة
serial title المؤتمر الدولي الرابع والأربعون للإحصاء وعلوم الحاسب وتطبيقاتها
Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type Journal