Production economics of the most important fruit crops in El-Minia governorate
Abstract: This research aims to study fruits production economic in El-Minia governorate, where in 19030 feddans under fruit crops. Crops average estimated by 16030 feddans, while citrus by 2261 feddans and other fruits by 1144 feddans in 1980 El-Minia governorate, comes to the first position in the area devoted for grapes growing in comparison to other Egyptian governorates. The study includes fine chapters, the first includes the problem, objectives methods of analysis and data resources. Second chapter studies the economic aspects of fruit production in Egypt and in El-Minia governorate. The third chapter studies the production functions of gropes in El-Minia. The fourth abut the cost functions. The fifth chapter tells about the economics of citrus production in El-Minia governorate.
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معهد بحوث الاقتصاد الزراعى-ش نادى الصيد-الدقى -الجيزة
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Author(s) from ARC |
Agris Categories |
Production economics
Fruit crops.
Production economics.
Publication Type |
Master Thesis