Analytical study for the most important factors affecting the production of some cereal crops in Egypt.
Abstract: The objective of the study is to throw the light on the present situation of production and consumption of the studied crops to determine the most import factors affecting both area cultivated and productivity of he Wheat, Maize and Rice. The study showed that most of the agricultural resources used in producing the studied cereal crops are inefficiently used. It is clear that the present use of the resources available to the studied cereal crops is deviated from the efficient use. The study showed the importance and priority of vertical development in general and to cereal crops in particular, through the adoption of the advanced technological techniques, either the biological or mechanical and chemical. Which are suitable for the Egyptian can dictions.
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معهد بحوث الإقتصاد الزراعى-7ش نادى الصيد-الدقى-الجيزة.
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Author(s) from ARC |
Economic analysis.
Publication Type |
PhD Thesis