Consumption of Wheat in Egypt
Abstract: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ • Egyptian Journal of Agriculture. Agricultural Research Centre (ARC). Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation (MLAR). Vol.(85), No.(6), Cairo, Egypt, 2007. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Due to the irrational consumption of wheat that resulted in national consumption of wheat exceeding the quantity produced of wheat, the problem of providing the amount of foreign currency required for wheat imports has occurred. The study aimed at identifying the current situation of major economic variables affecting wheat crop, the main factors affecting wheat consumption, and predicting future consumption of wheat in order to help policy makers design proper policies and decisions regarding food security. The study findings indicate that wheat cropped area increased at an annual rate of 61.8 thousand feddan, productivity increased at an annual rate of 0.34 ardab, and production increased at an annual rate of 1.68 million ardab during the studied period 1987-2004. The study indicates also that Egypt's imports of wheat and wheat flour during the period 2000-2004 came from two main markets, these are USA and Australia. In addition, the study reveals that the value of wheat imports has been increasing at an annual rate of L.E 136 million due to the annual increase in wheat import price that reached about L.E 32.40/ton. Moreover, analyzing the impact of economic variables on per capita consumption of wheat reveals the weak impact of these variables, which indicates the existence of other objective variables that have strong significant impacts on per capita wheat consumption. Furthermore, the study predicted, through several alternative scenarios between wheat production and consumption, that self-sufficiency of wheat is expected to reach about 63% on average in 2010. ________________________________________________________________________________________________
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مكتبة معهد بحوث الاقتصاد الزراعي-7 ش نادى الصيد - مبنى الهيئات والشركات - الدقي- الجيزة (الدور الرابع)
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المجلة المصرية للبحوث الزراعية
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Author(s) from ARC |
Agris Categories |
Consumer economicsProduction economics
Proposed Agrovoc |
اكتفاء ذاتي (Self-Sufficiency);سعر التجزئة (Retail Price);الموقف الحالي والمستقبلي (Situation and Outlook);
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