دراسة إقتصادية لمستويات وتوزيعات الدخول المزرعية فى بعض محافظات جمهورية مصر العربية

Abstract: Summary

The study aims to recognize levels and resources of farm income , also to determine the percentage of family farm under poverty line and to measure the parameters of statistical distribution of income. The study depend on the suitable economic and statistical tools for achieving the study target .
The study depend on questionnaire data collected 2006 , using multiple cluster sampling technique . The sample covered six governorates . The chosen sample divided into three classes : less than 1 feddan , (1-3) feddans , and (3-5) feddans .
The study showed that , the annual net farm income for the first class is about 855 LE , where it reached 1818 LE for the second class and about 1839 LE for the third . Generally , farm income in Delta is more than the farm income in Upper Egypt , plan production is the main resource for income and animal production considered a secondary income specially in Upper Egypt .
The study also showed that in 2006 the limit of poverty line is about 7220 LE and 72% of sample farms under this line (79% of Upper Egypt , 64% of Delta) . Also 89% , 66% , 21% of sample farms in the three cases are under poverty line .
The Study results indicated that the increase of inequality farm income degree created the high percent of farms under poverty line limit , therefore , it was necessity for farm family to work outside its farm to satisfy its necessary needs . Also the study focused on completing the policy reform programs for improving income distribution and insuring the social save of farmers .

Publication year 2007
Availability location معهد بحوث الاقتصاد الزراعى 7 ش نادي الصيد - مبنى الهيئات والشركات - الدقي- الجيزة.
Availability number
Organization Name
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Organization, administration and management of agricultural enterprises or farms
Animals. Breeding stock. Farm income. Farms. Income. Plants.
Publication Type Researsh & Applied Activities