Evaluation of the Impact of Applying Land Improvement and Soil Conservation Programs on the Most Important Economic Variables of Summer Maize in Fayoum Governorate

Abstract: ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ
• Journal of Mansoura University for Agricultural Sciences, Mansoura University, Vol.(34), No.(1), Mansoura, Egypt. January 2009.
This research aims to study the impact of applying land improvement and soil conservation programs on the most important variables of maize in Fayoum Governorate so as to raise awareness of maize producers towards the importance of these programs in raising agricultural productivity, increasing the expected revenues and raising their standard of living on one hand and increasing agricultural production at the national level to raise self-sufficiency ratios of agricultural products and reduce the deficit in agricultural trade balance, on the other hand.
The results showed that Egypt’s average area for the first productive land class decreased from 3.00 million feddans during the period (1996-2000) to reach about 978.40 thousand feddans during the period (2001-2005), representing about 76.4% of Egypt’s total land area of the first productive land class during the first period.
As for Fayoum Governorate, the results showed the absence of arable land in the first and second productive land classes whereas, the average area for the third productive land class increased from 193.70 thousand feddans during the period (1996-2000) to reach about 272.00 thousand feddans during the period (2001-2005) in Fayoum Governorate. However, the results indicated the transformation of about 247.90 thousand feddans in Fayoum Governorate into the fourth productive land class during the period (2001-2005), compared to the absence of arable land in the fourth productive land class during the period (1996-2000).
However, the results showed that Egypt’s annual investments executed in land improvement and soil conservation programs reached about L.E. 48.80 million, including adding about 196.60 thousand tons of agricultural gypsum, sub-soil ploughing of about 530.70 thousand feddans, clearing water-canals for about 1,134 million feddans during the period (1992/1993- 2007/2008).
Nevertheless, the results showed that land improvement and soil conservation programs applied in Fayoum Governorate include adding about 13.40 thousand tons of agricultural gypsum, sub-soil ploughing of about 47.00 thousand feddans, clearing water-canals for about 219.800 million feddans during the period (1992/1993- 2007/2008).
Moreover, the results showed that the addition of agricultural gypsum to agricultural land cultivated by summer maize in Fayoum Governorate resulted in an increase of about 10.56% in maize productivity, an increase of about 148.24 % in maize net returns, and an increase of about 140 % in maize profitability of the invested pound, compared to other agricultural producers, who did not add agricultural gypsum to agricultural land cultivated by summer maize.
On the other hand, the results showed that laser leveling for summer maize cultivated in Fayoum Governorate resulted in an increase of about 18.31% in maize productivity, an increase of about 323.79 % in maize net returns, and an increase of about 320 % in maize profitability of the invested pound, compared to other agricultural producers, who did not use laser leveling for agricultural land cultivated by summer maize.
Publication year 2009
Availability location مكتبة كلية الزراعة - جامعة المنصورة - المنصورة، الدقهلية، مصر.
Availability number
Organization Name
City الدقهلية
serial title مجلة المنصورة للعلوم الزراعية
Web Page
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Land economics and policies
Publication Type Journal