Toward Constructing Scale For The communication skills of local Agricultural extension officials work In some governorates of Egypt

Abstract: Abstract :
The research aimed to construct scale for measuring communication skills in the Egyptian Agricultural Extension Organization and test its validity and reliability of agricultural extension work officials. The scale included four main components: the skill of listening, the skill of speaking, the ability to understand others, and the skill of managing emotions.
The research was conducted in five governorates, namely, Dakahlia, Ismailia, Beheira, Fayoum, and Assiut, representing the regions of “Middle Delta, East Delta, West Delta, Middle Egypt and Upper Egypt” in order, as it included the respondents from officials of agricultural extension work at the level of centers Governorate 508 officials for extension work, and the sample size reached 224 respondents at the level of the five studied governorates. Data were collected through a personal interview using a questionnaire form, and the Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to calculate the reliability of the scale. Self-validity, statistical validity, formative validity or internal consistency were also tested.
The results are high reliability and validity of the scale, as the reliability coefficient extracted with a Cronbach alpha coefficient of 0.87 and the validity coefficient of 0.93 and thus the scale is valid for measuring communication skills fore agricultural extension officials in the Egyptian Agricultural Extension Organization.
Publication year 2021
Pages 1-15
Organization Name
City الجيزة
Web Page
Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type Journal