Response of corn crop to some tillage systems, irrigation methods and nitrogen levels under salt affected soil conditions.

Abstract: The objective of the present study is to investigate the effect of nitrogen levels on corn yield, N-utilization rate, and N-use efficiency under different of tillage systems and irrigation methods. Two field experiments were carried out at the experimental farm of Rice Mechanization Center, Meet El-Dyba, Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate, Egypt during the two successive seasons of 2002 and 2003. The recommended rate of corn seeds (Zea maize) variety single hybrid 10 was used.

The present work included the following treatments:-
1- Three different tillage systems as follows:-
Chisel plow (one pass) followed by disk harrow and land leveler, chisel plow (two passes) followed by disk harrow and land leveler and mouldboard plow followed by disk harrow and land leveler.
2- Two of irrigation methods: continuous furrow irrigation and alternative furrow irrigation.
3- Four of nitrogen levels 0, 80, 100 and 120 kg / fed.

The experiment results indicated that:-
1-Chisel plow two passes gave the highest value of the degree of soil pulverization (82.01 %) meanwhile, mouldboard plow gave the lowest value (57.95 %).
2- The energy requirements may be arranged in the following order: 6.29, 5.16 and 14.50 kW.h/fed for chisel plow (one pass), chisel plow (two passes) and mouldboard plow, respectively. It is clear that the highest value of energy requirement was obtained by using mouldboard plow.
3- The highest mean values of corn grain yield of 4994 and 5101 kg/ fed were obtained with mouldboard plow, continuous irrigation system and 120 kg N per feddan in the first and second season, respectively. While the lowest values were noticed with chisel plow (one pass).
4- Continuous furrow irrigation increased nitrogen uptake of corn grain comparing with alternative furrow irrigation at all nitrogen levels. Increasing nitrogen rates from zero to 80, 100 and 120 kg N per feddan led to increase nitrogen uptake of corn grain in the two seasons. The highest mean values of nitrogen uptake of corn grain of 51.3 and 51.2 kg N per feddan were obtained with 120 kg N per feddan in the first and second season, respectively.
5- The highest value of water use efficiency (2.43 kg/ m3) was obtained by using chisel plow (one pass) and 120 kg N per feddan for alternative furrow irrigation.
6- Using alternative furrow irrigation saved irrigation water of 14.04, 16.60 and 17.94 % for chisel plow (one pass), chisel plow (two passes) and mouldboard plow, respectively
Publication year 2003
Pages 595-612
Availability location Soils, Water and Environment Research Institute, ARC, 9 Cairo Univ. St., Giza, Egypt
Availability number
Organization Name
Country Egypt
City Cairo
Publisher Name: Misr Society of Agric. Eng.
serial title The 11th Annual Conference of Misr Society of Agric. Eng. 15-16 Oct
Department Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition Research
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    السعيد محمد خليفة قسم الميكنة الزراعية - كلية الزراعية بكفر الشيخ - جامعة طنطا
    رفاعي رفاعي ابو شعيشع معهد بحوث الهندسة الزراعية
    رزق محمد خليف معهد بحوث الهندسة الزراعية
Agris Categories Soil fertility
Irrigation methods. Maize. Nitrogen. Ploughs. Saline soils. Tillage.
Publication Type Conference/Workshop