Effect of nitrogen levels and topping dates on yield of late sow Giza 81 cotton .
Abstract: The present investigation was carried to study the effect of nitrogen levels, hill spacing and rice cultivar mixture on rice characters. Three nitrogen levels (40, 60 and 80 kg N / fed.), three hill spacings (10 x 20, 15 x 20 and 20 x 20 cm) combined with five rice cultivar mixtures (25% Giza 177 with 75% Sakha 102, 75% Giza 177 with 25% Sakha 102, 50% Giza 177 with 50% Sakha 102, 100% Giza 177 and 100% Sakha 102) were used. A split-split plot design with three replications was used. The results revealed that the mixed rice variety (25% Giza 177 with 75% Sakha 102) transplanted at 15 x 20 cm and fertilized with 60 kg N / fed. gave the highest values of number of tillers / m^2, number of panicles / m^2, panicle weight (g), panicle length (cm), number of filled grains / panicle, 1000-grain weight (g), grain yield (t / ha), biomass yield (t / ha), harvest index %, hulling %, milling % and head rice % in both seasons of study.
Publication year |
Pages |
Organization Name |
serial title |
Oroc. 3 rd Egyptian conf. Agron ., kafr EL- sheikh5-7 sept.
Department |
Cotton Agronomy Research
Project |
External authors (outside ARC) |
سعد محمد الجاهل
معهد بحوث القطن
عبدالحميد الشناوى
معهد بحوث القطن
Agris Categories |
Plant genetics and breeding
Publication Type |