New approach to In-Vitro propagation of Babesia Bovis In Low Serum Content

Abstract: In-vitro propagation of B. bovis using microaerophilous stationary phase (MASP) were investigated. Medium 199 (Med199)containing 40 % bovine serum showed good propagation of the parasites represented by the percent of infected red blood corpuscles. Reduction in bovine serum content in Med 199 to 20 % or less resulted in lower growth of the parasite.
LH-1 medium containing 20% bovine serum was gradually replaced Med199 containing 40 % serum. After ten serial passages, the parasite was adapted for growth in the LH-1 medium with 20 % serum. Other successful trials to reduce serum content in the culture to 10 % were done. There were no clear differences in the percent of infected RBCs when Med 199 containing 40 % Serum, LH-1 medium containing 20% bovine serum or LH-1 medium containing 10% bovine serum.
The viability of cryopreserved parasites which had been stored in liquid nitrogen was realized encountered after re-cultivation in MASP under optimum conditions in 5 % CO2 ¬atmosphere.
Publication year 2010
Pages 97-104
Organization Name
City Zagazig
serial title Zagazig veterinary journal
ISSN 1110-1458
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    سوزان جرجس غطاس معهد بحوث صحة الحيوان
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Publication Type Journal