Studies on immune response of mice vaccinated with E COLI K99 vaccine

Abstract: This study was carried out on laboratory mice for calrifiyng the immune response after vaccination with E.coli K99 vaccine. The prepared vaccine was administred intramuscullary and orally in pregnant and non-pregnant mice. Serological tests were carried out to evaluate the imune response. The obtained results revealed that, a significant increase in the level of antibodies in sera of intermuscullary vaccinate mice, reached 1882, 1592 in pregnant and non pregnant group respectively, while reached 1205 in orally vaccinated group. The vaccine induces best protection after challenge of pregnant and non-pregnant vaccinated mice given by I/M injection with protection rate of 85% in both of them while in orally vaccinated group the protection rate was 90% due to presence of IgA. From the high protection rate due to stimulaneous of local innmuity.
Publication year 2013
Pages 637-643
Organization Name
City القاهرة
serial title Journal of the Egyptian Veterinary Medical Associaion
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Publication Type Journal