Effect of depth and level of anhydrous ammonia injection on productivity of cotton (gossypium barbadense l.) And soil properties

Abstract: The experiment was carried out to evaluate the influence of depth and nitrogen level of anhydrous ammonia injection on growth, yield and its components and chemical contents of leaves of cotton plants as well as some soil properties. Two field experiments under conditions of Middle Egypt, were performed in Sids, Beni Swif Governorate, Experimental Field using two depth of anhydrous ammonia, i.e. 15 and 30 cm under three nitrogen level (30, 60 and 75 kg fed). The results show that, as increasing the depth of applicatoin from 15 to 30 cm, plant height, number of fruiting branches/plant, number of open bolls/plant, boll weight, lint percentage and seed cotton yield were significantly increased. Also, leaf contents of nutrient (N, P and K) and pigments (chlorophyll A and chlorophyll B and Carotenoids) and the soil available nitrogen after harvest were increased. While, earliness percentage and pH values after harvest were decreased. Seed index, fiber properties, namely, Micronaire reading and Pressly index and the availability of phosphorus and potassium did not affect by appliction depth.
Increasing nitrogen level were significanlty increased plant height, number of fruiting branches, boll weight, nutrient, and pigment contents in cotton leaves and nitrogen availability. While, nitrogen level had a negative effect on earliness percentage and soil reaction. Increasing nitrogen level to 60 kg/fed produced highest values of number of open bools/plant, lint percentage and seed cotton yield and then these parameters decreased as further increasing of nitrogen level to 75 kg/fed. Nitrogen level did not influence seed index, fiber properties and the availability of phosphorus and potassium
Publication year 2015
Pages 1-20
Organization Name
Country Egypt
serial title Egypt . J. of Appl. Sci., 30 (1) 2015 1-20
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    صابر شعبان عبد الجيد معهد بحوث القطن ـ مركز البحوث الزراعية ـ الجيزة ـ مصر
Ammonia. Cotton. Growth. Yield components.
Publication Type Journal