Effectiveness of mineral and organic fertilizers and its impact On fodder beet production, quality, control root rot disease and improving some sandy soil properties

Abstract: To alleviate the problems of sandy soil, some possible manipulation of soil was evaluated two separate experiments were carried out to achieve the main objective of this research. The first Expriment was a laboratory experiment, using four isolates of Fusarium solani which previously isolated from fodder beet, sugar beet, soybean and guar to estimate the efficiency of compost tea on the linear growth of different isolates of Fusarium solani. Compost tea provided pronounced reduction in mycelial growth of Fusarium solani isolates. Organic and mineral fertilizers,individually or in combination , affected root rot disease incidence. The superior treatment, T2 (75% mineral and 25% organic) recorded the least disease incidence. This treatment not only reduced disease incidence, but also increased crop parameters.
The second experiment was a field experiment, being carried out on a sandy soil located at Ismailia Research Station, Ismailia Governorate, Egypt, during two successive winter seasons of 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 ,to study the effect of different levels of mineral and organic fertilizers (alone or in combination) on root rot disease, yield ,quality of Fodder beet. (Beta vulgaris cv.Vorochenger and improving some sandy soil properties . The study included five combinations treatments of organic and inorganic fertilizers, i.e.T1 control ( Recommended dose of N.P.K. 100 % ), T2 ( 75% of N.K.+ 5 m3 fed-1 compost ) ,T3 ( 50% of N.K. + 10 m3 fed-1 compost ),T4 (25%of N.K. +15 m3 fed-1 compost ) and T5 ( 0 % of N.K. + 20 m3 fed-1 compost ). The experimental design was a randomized complete block design with four replicates. Significant differences were recorded among different treatments and T2 treatment gave superiority of growth traits than other treatments of fodder beet plants, i.e. root length, root diameter, shoot length , number of leaves, fresh root , shoot, dry root and shoot, biological yield( fresh and dry). The same treatment was superior in quality characteristics, i.e. crude protein, ash, crude fiber and carbohydrate. Furthermore, the incorporation of both N and K. mineral and organic caused substantial increases of content shoot and root ( % ) from N,P. and K. uptake of fodder beet plants, in both vegetative stages and harvesting time. On the other hand, different application of compost improved the soil properties , where reduced soil pH, ECe., bulk density (Mgm-3), quickly drainable pores and hydraulic conductivity .On the contrary, total porosity(%), available N.P. K. ,fine capillary pores and organic matter content were increased
Publication year 2015
Pages 263-276
Organization Name
Country Egypt
City cairo
serial title Bull. Fac .Agric., Cairo Univ. 66: 263-276. (2015)
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    فادية محمد سلطان -قسم بحوث محاصيل الأعلاف- معهد بحوث المحاصيل الحقلية
Composts. Inorganic fertilizers. Mangolds. Physical activity. Root rots. Sandy soils. Yields.
Publication Type Journal