A comparative study of some soil amendments and their applied methods on the amelioration of saline-sodic soils

Two field experiments were conducted in a private farm located at South-El-Hussynia Plain Port Said Governorate, during four successive seasons of, 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 to evaluate the profitability of industrial byproducts sugar lime, By-pass, a mixture (1) and a mixture (2) using efficiency as soil amendments, on improving some soil properties and its productivity of barley plants, comparing with gypsum under two techniques of application i.e. surface alone method and the combination method (surface+ subsurface) with intermittent leaching cycles.
The obtained results can be summarized as follows:
1- Reduction in the values of ECe, ESP and bulk density. On the contrary, H.C. and WTD were increased under the two methods of application either surface alone or in combination (surface +subsurface).
2- The combination application method (surface +subsurface) was bearing more effective than surface application method.
3- Either mixture (1) or mixture (2) was bearing more effective than the applied gypsum in both two techniques surface or (surface +subsurface).
4- Crop yield (grain and straw) of barley was significantly increased by using soil amendment treatments particularly, in the presence of (surface +subsurface) technique
Publication year 2014
Organization Name
Country Egypt
City لمنوفية
serial title مجلة المنوفية للبحوث الزراعية مجلد (39) عدد 2 ( الجزء الثاني) ابريل 2014
Volume 39 .
Author(s) from ARC
Gypsum. Saline sodic soils. Soil amendments. Sugar. Vinasse.
Publication Type Journal