Evaluation of growth performances crosses for different populations of Nile tilapia,Oreochromis niloticus[Egypt]

Abstract: The growth performance, reproductive and survival rate for different crosses of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) collected from four different locations (Abbassa, Manzalla, Maryout and Aswan) were evaluated. At the end of growing period in hapa (90 day) at summer, showed that the male Manzalla and female Maryout were the highest weight gain (39.83 g. and 41.25 g. respectively), while male Aswan and female Manzalla were the lowest weight gain (11.68 g. & 15.49 g. respectively). The growth rate of the sixteen crosses populations obtained from first generation (F1) through winter season in earthen pond (120 day) and summer season in hapa (60 day) were evaluated. The cross of Abbassa x Maryout showed the highest weight gain at the two seasons 48.0 g at winter and 80.4 g at summer, while the cross of Manzalla x Abbassa showed the lowest weight gain at both seasons.
The survival rate (SR) to 16 different crossing populations through winter season (120 days) in hapa suspended in earthen pond was low. On the other hand, the crossing between males Aswan and female Manzalla, Manzalla x Manzalla and Abbassa x Maryout were (79.37%, 75.00% and 56.06 respectively) higher than populations of Abbassa x Abbassa (16%). While, survival rate through summer season (60 day) in hapa showed that highest in crosses populations Aswan x Manzalla, Maryout x Aswan, Abbassa x Manzalla and Abbassa x Maryout (64.5, 60.0, 57.9 and 50.0% respectively) and very low in population of Abbassa x Abbassa (5.7%). The relative fecundity was highest in Aswan population; female gave 3.62 fries per g. body weight, while, Maryout population was the lowest one; female gave 2.29 fries per g. body weight. That is to say, selective breeding program can be established as method in aquaculture for genetic improvement of fishes with regard to better growth rate, survival rate, relative fecundity and adverse environmental factors especially to variations in the temperatures exposed to it
Publication year 2002
Pages 46-63
Organization Name
Country Egypt
City العريش
serial title المؤتمر العلمي الاول للاستزراع المائي بالعريش
Department fish health and zoonosis
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal genetics and breedingAnimal physiology - ReproductionFisheries production
Diallel analysis. Egypt. Environmental factors. Growth. Oreochromis niloticus. Quantitative genetics. Summer. Winter.
Publication Type Conference/Workshop