The effect of some anticoccidial drugs on the immune response of rabbits experimentally infected with Eimeria stedai and vaccinated with enterotoxaemia and bloat vaccine

Abstract: This study was performed to investigate the effect of rabbit coccidiosis and its treatment on the immune response of rabbits to enterotoxaemia and bloat vaccine. Six groups of healthy New Zeland rabbits (10 rabbits/group) were used; the first group was vaccinated with clostridial enterotoxamia bloat vaccine, the second group vaccinated with clostridial enterotoxaemia bloat vaccine and infected with Eimeria stiedai oocysts, the third group vaccinated with enterotoxaemia bloat vaccine, infected with Eimeria stiedai oocycts and treated with semduramycin, the fourth group vaccinated, infected with Eimeria stiedai oocysts and treated with diclazuril, the fifth group did not vaccinated and infected with Eimeria oocysts, vaccinated with clostridial bloat vaccine and did not receive any treatment had the lowest antibody titer to enterotoxaemia bloat vaccine, by the use of serum neutralization test. The infected rabbits, vaccinated and treated with semduramycin or diclazuril showed better immune response than the untreated vaccinated rabbits. The highest antibody titer was recorded in rabbits which received vaccine alone. These findings reflect the importance of rabbit treatment against coccidiosis to obtain a good immune response and prevent vaccination failure with enterotoxaemia bloat vaccine
Publication year 2009
Pages 61-70
Organization Name
City Cairo
serial title The 4th international scientific conference
ISSN 1687-2274
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Publication Type Conference/Workshop