Multi-Criteria Business Intelligence Approach

Abstract: Multi Criteria Business Intelligence approach (MCBI) aims to enhance Business Intelligence Applications (BIA) by applying Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM). MCBI approach contributes to improve Business Intelligence Decision Support System (BIDSS) for BIA. Also MCBI approach presents a standard method to evaluate and select business decisions. The recommended business decision is the suitable and optimal choice to implement. The proposed model for MCBI approach that consists of five major components. The first component is business objectives, problem definition and main goals. The second component is a business heterogeneous data treatment which gathering from different resources and related with different areas. The third component is a unified business intelligence databases. The fourth component is a business intelligence processing. The fifth component is a evaluating the business decisions to select the suitable and optimal solution.
Publication year 2011
Pages 21-28
Availability location
Availability number 978-3-642-32573-1
Organization Name
City Amsterdam
serial title First International Joint Conference, SPIT 2011
Web Page
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    Dr. Ayman E Khedr Helwan University - FCI
    Prof. Torky I. Sultan Helwan Univesity - FCI
Agris Categories Animal husbandry
Publication Type Conference/Workshop