Effect of Different Milk Types on Physicochemical and Rheological Properties of Stirred Greek-Style Yoghurt
Abstract: Yoghurt (yogurt) is one of the most famous dairy products in the world. Yoghurt is widely accepted by the consumer due to its health benefits and basic nutrition. Greek-style yoghurt, also known as "concentrated yoghurt", it has the following traditional processing of yoghurt which is then concentrated again. Intensive stress removes a large amount of whey and sugar, which changes the nutritional and sensory properties of the yoghurt. Greek yoghurt has a more refreshing taste and creaminess texture. This study investigated the approach to developing a Greek yoghurt formulation using different fresh milk types (buffalo milk, cow milk, skimmed fresh cow milk), and adjusting the chemical properties using milk protein concentrate, skimmed milk powder, cream, modified starch and strawberry fruit preparation to produce a recombined acid milk gel with physicochemical and rheological aspects similar to those found in commercial Greek-style yoghurt.
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Master Thesis