Studies on the persistence of certian herbicides in two soil types

Abstract: The present investigation was carried out to study the movement and persistence of some herbicides which are recomended in Egypt, atrazine. terbutryne, metribuzin and DPX-L5300 in two soil types. Two techniques were followed to analyze the herbicides residues. Bioassay using wheat, cucumber and maize and chemical analysis using GLC. The results showed that the herbicides under investigation moved rapidly in sandy soil than in clay soil which could contaminate the underground water. In clay soil atrazine and terbutryne disappeared after 5 and 3 months from treatment respectively and loss of activity, while no residues of metribuzin were found after 140 days from treatment. DPX-L5300 disappeared after 50 days from application on clay soil and 35 days in sandy soil.
Publication year 1994
Organization Name
Country Egypt
Department Pesticide Phytotoxicity
Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type Master Thesis