Evaluation of some mycobacterial antigens for diagnosis of animal tuberculosis

Abstract: The present work comprises the isolation and purification of the 38KDa glycoprotein antigen from unheated culture filtrate of M.tuberculosis H37Rv strain.
Also, this study aimed to comparison between the 38 KDa antigen and bovine PPD tuberculin for the diagnosis of tuberculosis in artificially infected guinea pigs and naturally infected buffaloes.
First , M. tuberculosis H37Rv strain was cultivated on Middle Brook 7H9 medium for 6 weeks after which the glycoprotein content in this medium was precipitated by ammonium sulphate at concentration of 45 %.
Second, the 38 KDa glycoprotein antigen was then purified by alcohol fractionation and the result was three precipitates and one supernatant. The obtained product was identified as a single band migrate at 38 KDa on SDS-PAGE.
Reactivity of the antigen was tested by Western blot that gave non-photographable bands then tried Dot-blot which gave positive results with P2, P3, last supernatant differ according to concentration of antigen.
Evaluation of the 38 KDa antigen versus bovine PPD tuberculin was done on infected and non infected guinea pigs with different strains of typical mycobacteria (M. tuberculosis, M.bovis) and a typical mycobacteria (M.avium, M.Kansasii, M. fortuitum and M. intracellulare) using skin tuberculin test and ELISA.
The obtained results of tuberculin test revealed that the 38 KDa antigen over the bovine PPD tuberculin could distinguish between M. kansaii infected guinea pigs from those infected with M.tuberculosis complex.
Additionally, ELISA results confirmed the superiority of the 38 KDa antigen over the bovine PPD tuberculin in distinguishing between guinea pigs infected with typical and a typical mycobacteria.
Validity of using the 38 KDa as a specific antigen for diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis by ELISA was confirmed by testing of 15 tuberculin positive and five tuberculin negative buffaloes.
ELISA positive results obtained with 8 buffaloes previously identified as M.bovis infected buffaloes and one was negative culture while negative results were recorded with both the 5 tuberculin negative and the other 6 tuberculin positive buffaloes in which 2 were previously identified as MOTT infected buffaloes, one gave negative culture, and three identified as M.bovis infected buffaloes a result which could not be fulfilled by bovine PPD tuberculin. The specify of the 38 KDa antigen was 88.9 % while that of bovine PPD was 66.7%. It was obvious from the outcome the superiority of 38 KDa over bovine PPD tuberculine in diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis in buffaloes.
Publication year 2002
Organization Name
Country Egypt
Publisher Name: جامعة القاهرة- كلية الطب البيطري
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    أ.د. صلاح الدين عبد الكريم استاذ الميكروبيولجيا - جامعة القاهرة
    أ.د.رأفت عزمي ديمتري رئيس بحوث بمعهد بحوث الأمصال واللقاحات البيطرية
    د.عصام امين نصر باحث بمعهد بحوث الأمصال
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Antigens. Diagnosis. Mycobacterium. Tuberculosis. Water buffaloes.
Proposed Agrovoc Mycobacterial;
Publication Type Master Thesis