Functional jam production from blends of carrot and sweet potato pulp
Abstract: The study conducted to compare the mixed vegetable jams of carrots and sweet potatoes pulp at ratios 75:25 (M1), 60:40 (M2), 50:50 (M3), 40:60 (M4), and 25:75 (M5). Samples of jam tested for sensory and physicochemical characteristics. Jam blends at a ratio of 75:25 yielded the highest performance in terms of sensory properties and the physicochemical composition comprising 64.6°Brix, 3.87 pH, 0.36 acidity %, 46 total phenols mg/100 g, 1.91 carotenoids mg/100 g, 35.3 L*, 22.2 a*, 69.73 hue and 23.67 chroma at the storage finishing. Increasing sweet potatoes up to 50% decreased the score of texture for increasing fiber as well as the color became paler. The previous data confirmed the possibility of developing a new type of jam with high nutritional and sensory qualities by combining carrots and sweet potatoes at 75: 25% and 60: 40%. Keywords: carrots; sweet potatoes; jam; sensory attributes; physicochemical
Publication year |
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Publisher |
International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition
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Author(s) from ARC |
Publication Type |
PhD Thesis