Molecular characterization of Avibacterium paragallinarum strains used in evaluation of coryza vaccine in Egypt

Abstract: In the present study, several molecular techniques were used to analyze the two serovars (A and C) that used in the quality control assays of Avibacterium paragallinarum (A. paragallinarum) vaccines attained to our laboratory (Central Laboratory For Evaluation Of Veterinary Biologics CLEVB). Western blotting analysis clearly revealed a differences in bands intensity when reacted to antisera prepared against either serovar A or C especially at area of 40-55 KDa. On the other hand nucleotide sequence analysis could revealed three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) between serovar A and C at position of 17(T/C) , 46 ( G/A) and 178 ( T/C) and one area of deletion in serovar C at nucleotide position 94 – 102. Hence these findings represent a good molecular marker for conformity and differentiation between the two tested serovars.
Publication year 2012
Pages 253-263
Organization Name
Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type Journal