Farmers ' Adoption for Wheat Cultivation on Terraces Using Direct Seeding in Halls in Some Villages of Kafr Al Sheikh Governorate

Abstract: This research was aiming at identifying the source of listening of the farmers respondents about the technical recommendation of wheat cultivation method on terraces using direct seeding, the rate of their adoption for each of these technical recommendation, determining the correlation relationship between the degree of farmers 'adoption for these technical recommendation and the independent variables addressed, determining the percentage of the contribution of each of the independent variables that have significant correlation relationship in clarifying the total variance in the degree of farmers ' adoption for those recommendation, in addition to identifying the constraints facing the respondents for this method from their point of view.
This research has been conducted in Kafr Al Sheikh Governorate where three districts were selected randomly. They districts are Desouk, Metobas, and Fowa. Similarly, one village from each of those districts was selected including Shaba village, Desuok ; Meniat Al Morshad, Metobas; and Sendyoun, Fowa. Then a random sample with a total of 205 respondents was selected, according to Kreijice & Morgan, among the wheat farmers of the selected three villages. The data was collected by personal interview questionnaire during January 2017 after carrying out the pre test and the adjustment needed for the questionnaire. For the analysis and tabulation of the results, frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, correlation coefficient for person, and step wise were used.
The following are the main results
1. The main sources of listening of the respondents about of wheat cultivation on terraces using direct seeding were firstly the local leaders followed by personal experience, agricultural inputs traders, family members, and neighbors.
2. The rate of the adoption of the respondents for the recommendation of wheat cultivation on terraces using direct seeding was low (53%), medium (41%) and high (6%).
3. The lowest rate of adoption were adding 15gm super phosphate for feddan (49.3%), broadcasting of super phosphate before the second plowing (48.9%), adding 100kg of nitrogen per feddan (47.3%), getting rid of plant residuals to control rats (46.3%), destroying rats halls or flooding them with water (44.4%), control of birds using wood pieces covered with adhesive materials (43.4%), controlling of caterpillar insect and the rodent worm by toxin (42.9%), adding the toxic trap to control the caterpillar and rodent worm after the first irrigation (41.5%) , putting the toxic trap nearby the hall (40.5%), adding the toxic trap at sunset (40%), prevent the chemical spraying to control aphids insect before flowering stage (39.8%), controlling of snails and larvae to get rid of the residues of the previous crop (38.5%), manual collection for snails and larvae and burning them outside the field (37.6%), apply the toxic trap to control yellow, orange and black rust diseases (35.6%), control of white mildew chemically (34.6%), control of yellow dwarf disease in barely with recommended chemical spraying to control the yellow dwarf disease before flowering (33.7%), inoculation the land with ammonia (33.2%) inoculation the land with ammonia at one dose (32.7%), inoculation the land with ammonia after land preparation (31.2%), cultivate the land after 4 days from inoculation the land (30.2%), control al zomair weed with recommended chemicals (29.8%), chemical spraying to control the weed after dew (29.3%), preventing the chemical spraying for weed control at hot atmosphere (28.3%), prevent chemical sparing for weed control at windy weather (26.8%) , adding 45kg of wheat per feddan (26.3%), irrigate between the steps (25.4%), allocate 3-5 seeds per hall (24.9%), leaving 10cm between rows (24.3%), making halls in rows (23.4%), leave 10cm distance between halls (21.5%), the width of the step ranges between 100 – 120cm (20.5%), and laser leveling (19%)
4. There were 5 independent variables clarifying that 37.2% of the total variance in the degree of adoption of the technical extension recommendation for the adoption for wheat cultivation on terraces using direct seeding in halls, among which 24.5% for the degree of education of the respondents, 6% for the availability of extension services in the area, 3.4% for the degree of innovativeness , 2% for the size of wheat cultivated area at terrace in halls, and 1.3% for the degree of knowing the hazards of late planting of wheat.
5. The respondents claimed that there are 11 constraints facing them, while using the method of wheat cultivation on terraces using direct seeding in hall, from their point of views. They are descending as follows: the high price of seeds; unavailability of laser equipment; lack of seeds in the cooperative society; high price of fertilizers and chemical pesticides and insecticides; low selling price for the crop; unavailability of extension demonstration field for wheat cultivation on terraces using direct seeding in halls; lack of extension meetings and seminars for wheat cultivation on terraces using direct seeding in halls; unavailability of wheat harvester fitted with the width of terrace; high costs of agricultural laborers; lack of extension publication for wheat cultivation on terraces using direct seeding in halls; and lack of irrigation water.
Publication year 2017
Organization Name
City الجيزة
serial title كلية الزراعة - جامعة القاهرة
Web Page
ISSN 11107871
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Extension
Publication Type Journal