Graphical Presentation of some Peanut Genotypes by Comparing Two Patterns of Biplot Analysis

Abstract: The present work was carried out at the Agriculture Research Station of Shandwell during the two successive seasons of 2018 and 2019 to assess the yield potential of 20 peanut genotypes. Genotype by trait biplot (GT) and genotype by yield*trait (GYT) analyses were automated to obtain information on genotypes for selection based on multiple traits (nine traits) and appreciate the relationships between these attributes. Applying biplot analyses to the multiple trait data revealed that genotype by yield*trait (GYT) graphically facilitated visual, more effective and clearer in providing information about the superior genotypes and the relationships between the yield and its components genotype compared to trait biplot (GT). Also, ranking genotypes was tested by a superiority index that collective yield and other target traits with the GYT biplot. In the GYT biplot, yield-trait combinations clearly appeared that the best genotypes defined for all traits, whereas in the genotype × trait (GT) biplot, the best genotypes were not known for all traits. The promising genotypes being No. 7, 16 and 17 are clearly observed using the GYT biplot technique.
Publication year 2022
Organization Name
serial title مجلة الانتاج النباتى جامعة المنصورة
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    محمد وحيد شوقى محمود
    خالد محمد السيد أبو القاسم
Publication Type Journal