Dietary exposure assessment of malathion residue for some fruits, vegetables and herbs in Egypt during 2002

Abstract: A study of Malathion residue was conducted in the central laboratory pesticide residues analysis and heavy metals. Malathion one of the most widely applied organophosphate insecticide, It is a slightly toxic compound in EP A toxicity class ΙΙΙ. A total of 12919 samples of 57 different types of fruit, vegetables and aromatic medicinal plants samples were examined for malathion residues during 2002, eighteen commodities represent 28.65 % were completely free of malathion residues. Thirty nine commodities represent total 9218 samples fruit (362), vegetables (1643) and aromatic medicinal plants (7213) with percentages 71~35 % of total examined samples have malathion residues. Only 4.43 % of total contaminated commodities (408 samples) were below limit of determination (LOD = 0.02 ppm), 22.07 % at LOD or more However 77.93 % or those samples are not contaminated with malathion residues. Only 6.06 % of the samples exceeded MRL's of malathion residues comparing with national, codex 'and EU-MRL's Malathion residues was the detected frequently in Lemon and pomegranate samples with percentages of 20 % and 15.15 %, respectively. Lemon showed the highest violation percentages 13.33 %. The main contributors to total intake of malathion is root vegetables 56.57 %. The major contributors crops to total intake of malathion are potatoes 47.95 %. Data showed that our results goes with the EP A total diet studies results. The total dietary intake of malathion 0.0011 mg/kg. body weight /day is lower than ADI (0.02 mg/kg body weight) and contributing only 5.5 % of ADI . Therefore dietary exposures to malathion are still so far and not a case for Egyptian consumer concern
Key words: Malathion, Exposure assessment, Residue, Monitoring, Fruits and Vegetables, Herbs, Aromatic and medicinal plants
Publication year 2005
Pages 221-235
Availability location المعمل المركزى لتحليل متبقيات المبيدات والعناصر الثقيلة فى الأغذية --7 شارع نادى الصيد - الدقى - الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title J. Adv. Agric.Res. (Fac. Agric. Saba Basha)
Department Pesticides Residue Analysis
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Physiology of human nutritionPollution
Egypt. Fruit. Herbaceous plants. Malathion. Pesticides. Residues.
Publication Type Journal