Hygienic aspects of different Items of salad consumed in the local restaurants in Cairo.

Abstract: Food establishment could be a good source of spreading food born diseases. Some food products, such as salad, which don't require heating during their preparation, are potentially dangerous for the consumers. Therefore, good hygiene practice is very important for the preparation of salad. The aim of this study was to monitor the hygienic status maintained during the preparation of salads in the local restaurants in Cairo, Egypt. A total of 240 samples of different items of salads were collected randomly from several restaurants in Cairo. Microbiological analysis has been done for the detection of some emerging pathogens. It was found that Salmonella spp. was detected in 20%, 6.7%, 3.3%, 6.7%, 13% and 3.3% of samples from green salad, Tabola, Humus, Tehina. , Mayonnaise, Yoghurt respectively. While Shigella and Listeria monocytogen were detected only in Green salad and Tabola in the same percentage of 13% and 3.3% respectively. High Enterobacteriacae and Coliform counts were detected in Green salad, Toboola and Cucumber at percentage (100%,100% and 66.7%) and (100 % . 90% and 16.7% ) respectively. While the lowest percent of detection of Escherichia coli was in Green Salad and Cucumber at percentage 33% and 3.3% respectively. Staphylococcus aureus was isolated from five kinds of salads{ Green salad.Toboola, Tehina, 8ab Ganooch and Mayonize in percent ranged from 16.7 % to 90%.
These results are an indication that the possibility of contaminated raw materials, un deaned equipments and unhygienic food handlers are the main sources of contamination of salads. Inspection of food establishment should be concentrated on the way of preparing salads as well as on the equipments. raw material used and the hygienic condition of the establishment and the food handlers.
Publication year 2006
Pages 57-67
Availability location 7 شارع نادى الصيد - الدقى - الجيزة(المعمل المركزى لتحليل متبقيات المبيدات والعناصر الثقيلة فى الأغذية
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title J. Adv. Agric.Res. (Fac. Agric. Saba Basha)
Department Microbiology Analysis
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Diet and diet-related diseasesProtection of plants - General aspects
Food hygiene. Foodborne diseases.
Publication Type Journal