SALT toleerance of some agriculture crops during early growth stages

Abstract: The purpose of this investigation was to study the salt tolerance of some agricultural crops during early growth stages.A COMPARISON OF WHEAT AND SUNFLOWER PLANTS WAS CARRIED OUT WITH RESOECT TO THEIR SALT TOLERANCE AND NUTRIENT UPTAKE. tWO EXOERIMENTS WERE PERFORMED TO ACHIVE THESE PURPOSES.
- Increasing salinity levels (NaCl, Na2SO4)and diluted seawater up to 20 dS/m)graduall decreased the germination rate ofwheat and sunflower,NaCl being more effective in this respect.
-the germinatian rates of sunflower seeds were higher than that of wheat grains at different levels of salinity.
-the root being more affected than the shoots, particularly for wheat plant, indicating that sunflower plant was more relatively salt- resistant than eheat plant.
-NaCl salinity was found to be generaly most effective on decreasing the dry matter yield fo wheat and sunflower plants compared to that of Na2SO4 as well as seawater.
-Spraing wheat and sunflower plants with proline amino acid decreased the adverse effect of different salts on the dry matter yield of shoots for both plants.
Publication year 2001
Availability location كاية الزراعة بمشتهر - جامعة الزقازيق
Availability number
Organization Name
Country Egypt
Department Improvement and Conservation of Cultivated Soils Research
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Soil science and management
Soil reclamation plants.
Publication Type Master Thesis