Effect of some soil conditioners and growth regulators on water consumptive use and plant growth in some desert soils

Abstract: The current investigation aims to study the effect of some soil conditioners and growth regulators application on water consumptive use and plant growth in some desert soils .Wheat plant, was cultivated as an indicator plant .
A pot experiment was carried out using surface soils collected from two locations; the first location: from Ismalia Research Station to represent sandy soil, the second location from Nubaria Research Station to represent sandy clay loam soil.
Both soils were divided into two groups; the first group was conditioned by filter mud (natural), and the second was conditioned by acryhop GH-2 (synthetic). Filter mud was applied at the rate of 0.00, 2.00, 4.00 and 6.00 ton/fed; whereas Acryhop GH-2 was applied at the rate of 0.00, 0.05, 0.10, and 0.15%.
Soil moisture content was adjusted gravimetrically at field capacity using tap water through the period of the experiment. Every treatment was divided into three sub groups after one month of wheat planting; the first sub group had received foliar spray of 100 ppm gibbrellic acid, the second received foliar spray of 1000 ppm cycocel; while the third received desalination water.
The obtained results cleared that adding any of filter mud or acryhop to the soils increased total porosity, water holding pores, available water, C.E.C, electrical conductivity and availability of nutrients. On the other hand, soil bulk density and soil reaction were decreased. Moreover, hydraulic conductivity and quick drainable pores were decreased while the fine capillary pores were increased in sandy soil, whereas in sandy clay loam the opposite trend was found. As a result of improving soil physical and chemical properties, the grain yield of wheat was increased.
Concerning the effect of growth regulators, results revealed that GA3 had improved water use efficiency, total and grain biomass; whereas CCC had opposite trend.
1- Applications of any of filter mud or acryhop had improved physical, chemical and consequently increased soil productivity.
2- The response to soil conditioners in sandy soil was greater than in sandy clay loam soil.
3- Application of GA3 had improved wheat yield and water use efficiency; filter mud was more effective in this respect
4- Application of CCC is needed when there is a shortage of water; acryhop is effective in this respect
Publication year 2004
Availability location كلية الزراعة - جامعة الأزهر(معهد بحوث الاراضى والمياه والبيئة)
Availability number
Organization Name
Country Egypt
Department Improvement and Conservation of Cultivated Soils Research
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Soil erosion, conservation and reclamation
Chemicophysical properties. Efficiency. Soil conditioners. Soil structural units. Water use.
Publication Type Master Thesis