An Economic Study of Food Security in Egypt

Abstract: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
• Ph. D. in Agricultural Science: Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, 2020.
The food problem is one of the most important strategic issues that receive special attention at all levels. It has political, social and economic dimensions. Therefore, the study aimed to identify the food security of the individual in Egypt, and to identify the most important obstacles to the demand for these products and their impact on food security and to determine the factors affecting the production and consumption of strategic goods. The study included four chapters, the first section of which was addressed in addition to the introduction that includes the importance of the study, the problem, the goal, and the data sources, in addition to the research method. This section examined the theoretical framework and the reference review of studies related to the subject of the study where these previous studies were divided to studies concerned with food commodities, secondly studies related to grains, third studies related to vegetables and fruits, the fourth was on studies related to animal production, and the fifth was on studies related to manufactured goods. The second chapter dealt with the current situation of productive and consumer energy and the food gap for the main agricultural commodity groups in Egypt and includes three chapters, the first of which addressed the productive capacity of food commodities for the most important food commodities, and the second consumed the energy consumption of food commodities in Egypt, and the third the food gap and the self-sufficiency ratio of food commodities Main. The third chapter dealt with the food balance and food security transactions for the main food groups in the Arab Republic of Egypt three chapters, where the first chapter deals with the food balance of the main food groups in Egypt, the second deals with food security transactions for the main food groups and their determining factors, and the third forecasts the production and consumption of the main food groups in Egypt. As for the fourth and final chapter, it deals with food security projects in Egypt and includes two chapters, where the first chapter deals with food security projects in the Arab Republic of Egypt, and the second reflects the repercussions of the January 2011 revolution and its impact on food security projects using mock variables. The study also included the summary and results in Arabic and English, recommendations, and references in Arabic and English and the annexes. The study clarified the indicators of food security and factors affecting food security through estimating the size of the food gap, the average per capita share, the percentage of self-sufficiency, daily local consumption, and the period of sufficient production for consumption per day and inventory. Strategic and food security coefficient Food security coefficients for the major food groups and their determinants and forecast production and consumption for the main food groups in Egypt the implications of the Yanai revolution 2011 and its impact on food security projects.
Publication year 2020
Availability location مكتبة كلية الزراعة - جامعة القاهرة
Availability number
Organization Name
Country Egypt
Publisher Name: كلية الزراعة - جامعة القاهرة
Place: الجيزة - مصر
Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type PhD Thesis