مهارات الاتصال لدى المهندسات الزراعية العاملات فى مجال الإرشاد الزراعى بمحافظة الغربية

Abstract: This study aimed at: Identifying the degree to which the communication skills, are present in female extension agents, assessing the relationships between independent variables and presence of communication skills, assessing the differences in communication skills between respondents when classified according nominal independent variables, and identifying problems facing female extension workers and their suggestion too solve them.
Date were collected by group interviews with the target population. The number of completed interview schedules is 214 representing 93.86% of the target population.
The main findings may be summarized as fallows:
1- The majority of respondents have the technical readiness skill however, there is some variation about the details .
2- A minority of respondents show the skills of psychological readiness , and attracting attention.
3- Most respondents have skills of clear presentation, and utilizing audience language.
4- Listening skill is prevailing among respondents .
5- The independent variables of age , income , and seniority are rarely related to the communication skills possessed .
6- Presentation with audience language and listening are related to the independent variables more than other skills .
7- There are diffences among various counties in Gharbia . Kotour
county is always the least . Whereas , Samannoud , Kafr El
Zayyat, and El-Mahalla El-Kobra counties are in a better standing
with regard to certain skills .
In view of those results , several recommendations were formulated .
Publication year 2006
Pages 175
Availability location Agricultural Extension And Rural Development Research Institute Library Agricultural Research Center – 8, Cairo University St., - Egypt
Availability number 639
Organization Name
Country Egypt
Department Rural Women in Development Research Department
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Extension
Proposed Agrovoc communication skills;
Publication Type Master Thesis