Studies on fertility evaluation of kalubia soils using diagnosis and recommendation integrated system

Abstract: To determine the reference norms for N, P and K for wheat crop, 1000 plant samples were collected at shooting stage from wheat fields distributed in seven countries of Kalubia Governorate. Plant samples were prepared for N, P and K analysis. The corresponding wheat grain yield for each field was determined diagnosis and recommendation integrated system (DRIS) was applied to soil fertility for the tested nutrients N, P and K. Expressions of N/P, N/K and K/P were used for calculating n/p, n/k and k/p norms for the high yielding population > 2.4 ton/fed. obtained norms were: n/p 13.93, n/k 1.4 and k/p 10.25 values of calculating norms represent the local values. These local values were comparing with the international values obtained by Sumner (1980).
By means of foliar analysis and DRIS norms N, P and K in wheat plants balance could be assessed. DRIS is becoming an essential practice for efficient use of fertilizers.
Selected plant samples from the low yielding population in each county were tested for N/P, N/K and K/P using the obtained DRIS norms and the degree of limitation was determined
Publication year 2004
Availability location معهد بحوث الأراضى والمياه والبيئة - مركز البحوث الزراعية
Availability number
Organization Name
Country Egypt
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Soil fertility
Nitrogen. Phosphorus. Plant nutrition. Potassium. Soil fertility.
Publication Type Master Thesis