Immunosuppressives and their effect on the immune response of some poultry vaccines

Abstract: The avian immune system is the firstline of defence mechaniism against broad classes of invading microorganisms. aiso, it is highly requlated and involves networks of interacting cells , any breakdown of this requlation results in immunodepression . so,studies on immunodepression of the avian immune system are of importance scientifically and economically.
inpoultry industry the immunosuppressed flocks increased incidence to opportunistic infections and respond poorly to routinely used vaccines . the haphazard uses of antibiotics and anticoccidial medication , also , cernain microorganisms such as mycoplasma gallisepticum and salmonella pullorum, all of them considered as the chicken immune response to advanced oil adjuvant avian choera vaccine. the present study analyzed the effect of antibodies, anticoccidial drug, bactarial artificial infection as salmonella pullorum and mycoplasma qallisepticum on the cellular and humoral response of chicken vaccinated with advaced oil adjuvant killed avian cholera vaccine.A number of 450 chicken divided into 9 groups 45 chicken each. the last group kept as a control (negative) without vaccination or medication and the remaining eight groups vaccinated with avain cholera vaccine 7 groups of them medicated with bacteria, the 8th group vaccinated only and kept as control (positive).
effect of different immunosuppessants on the cellular and humoral immune response of chicken vaccinated with avian cholera were measured. results of the blastogenic response of T cells to concanavalin mitogen indicated that M.gallisepticum induced the highest immunosuppressive effect as the overall mean of stimulation index was (1.303); followed by s.pullorum (1.306); chloramphenicol (1.375);penicillin(1.414); tetracycline (1.46);anticoccidial drug (1.55)and streptomyclin(1.74)in ascending manner in comparison with the vaccinated non medicated group (2.08) and control group(1.12)stimulation indices of peripheral blood B - lymphocytes to pokeweed mitogen revealed that m.gallisepticum induced tha greatest immunosuppressive effect followed by s. pullorum;chloramphenicol; tetracycline; penicillin; anticoccidial drug and streptomycin. the overall mean of stimulation indices were (1.33);(1.37);(1.42);(1.53);(1.54)and (1.60)respectively. Meanwhile,the vaccinated non medicated group was (2.06)and the control group was 1.17). investigation on the immunosuppressive effect of the aforementioned antibiotics, anticoccidial drug and microorganisms on the humoral immune response chowed that allover mean of chicken IgG in response to avian cholera vaccination was significantly decreased as it was (721);(733);(770);(800);(828)(832) and (839)in sera of chicken artificially infected with M. gallisepticum, s. pullorum or medicated with chloramphenicol; tetracycline; penicillin;anticoccidial drug and streptomycin. comparatively with the vaccinated non medicated group had level of (1122) and control group was (581). the anti past. multocida antibodies as measured by the haemagglutination and ELISA tests showed that this decrease was in the same previously mentioned order. the overall mean of geometric mean titers measured by IHA test were ( 72.14);(92.57)while it was(236>57) in the vaccinated non medicated group.on the other hand, ELISA test results showed values of (321);(330.28);(361);(367.9);(370);(383);(384)while it was ( 600)in the vaccinated non medicatedgroup. antibiotics had temporary immunosuppressive effect even administrated in theraqeutic levels but bacteria hadpermenant immunosuppressive effect on the immune response of chicken vaccinated with avian cholera vaccine.
Publication year 1994
Availability location معهد بحوث الامصال واللقاحات البيطرية -القاهرة - ش السكة البيضاء - العباسية ص ب 131
Availability number
Organization Name
Country Egypt
External authors (outside ARC)
    أ.د/ ممدوح عبد الغنى عبد العزيز كلية طب بيطرى ـجامعة القاهرة
    أ.د / كاميليا محمود عثمان كلية طب بيطرى ـ جامعة القاهرة
    أ.د/ ساهر مكين جرجس معهد بحوث الأمصال واللقاحات البيطرية
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Immune response. Immunosuppressants. Microbiology. Poultry. Vaccines.
Publication Type PhD Thesis