Factors affecting tuberculin production

Abstract: studies on the effect of some factors on the yield of tuberculin.
First studies on the effect of types of media on the yield of PPD, showed that the growth of mycrobacteria in Dorset and henely's synthetic media was better than in Sauton or long's medi. Our studies showed that human isolated much rapid and better growth than bovine strain. Studies on the relationship between PH of culture filtrate and yield between 7-12 weeks, was associated with drop in Ph.
Four different types of tuberculin either (human, bovine) were prepared by different methods which were prepared by different methods which weredissolved into two types of buffers one contain glycerol and other tween 80
-First type was prepared by inactivated the mycobacterium strains by heating and precipitation of protein by trichloroacetic acid solution 40%, this gave the best yield than other types
-Second type was prepared by inactivated the isolated by phenol solution 1% and precipitated the protein as first type
-Third type was prepared by inactivation with heating and precipitation of tuberculoprotein with ammonium sulfate solution 50%
-Fourth type was prepared by inactivation the isolates with phenol 1 % and precipitationof tubercuoprotein with ammonium sulfate so this type of PPD gave lower yield, but the best one which gave clear diameter of tuberculin reaction.
Finally the specificity differences were calculated as
SPD = (Aa + Bb)-(Ab+ Ba)
Publication year 2002
Availability location معهد بحوث الامصال واللقاحات البيطرية
Availability number
Organization Name
Country Egypt
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    محمد كامل رفاعى
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Bovinae. Tuberculin.
Proposed Agrovoc mycrobacteria;
Publication Type Master Thesis