Comartive study in monitoring water and soil pollutants between laser technique and convential methods

Abstract: Pollution problems now attract attention of scientists and normal inhabitants in allover the world. Pollution of agricultural soil originates mostly from variety of human activities such as unwise using of mineral fertilizers and using wastewater for irrigation which have significantly enhanced transfer of harmful compounds to soil , plants and eventually to food .
The area of “ El–Tebbin ” was chosen to account for the pollution of water and soil in it, which has the biggest heavy industrial factories in Egypt. Samples were taken from several places in two different seasons (winter & summer) and at different depths for soil samples. The samples were analyzed using conventional techniques: atomic absorption spectroscopy, FTIR spectroscopy and FT Raman spectroscopy. In addition to use the laser technique based on the fluorescence spectra from the samples after illuminating it by intense high power laser pulses aiming to monitor the heavy metals pollutants. A LIF-home built system had given a good estimation for the concentration of some elements in water and soil, with low detection limit at 0.025 ppm, Relative Standard Deviation (RSD)~1 % for different elements in soil results and RSD ~ 5 % for Fe in water results.
A comparison between the results of the above-mentioned techniques was carried out. Accordingly the results of this investigation showed that:
- The area under studying was found to be contaminated with relatively high percentage of heavy metals either in water or soil.
- The concentrations of elements in summer season were higher than those in winter season for water and soil samples.
- The concentration of any metal was found to be higher in the upper of soil than in the lower one except Fe which showed opposite behaviour.
- The results of methods showed the same sequence for the metals according to their concentrations in both water and soil.
- There is an agreement between the results of all used techniques on the deducements mentioned before. These results clarified that laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy method provides a suitable analysis for evaluating heavy metals in water and soil with reasonable precision.
Publication year 2002
Availability location المركز الإقليمي للأغذية والأعلاف - ش جامعه القاهرة - الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
Country Egypt
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    لطفي زكي اسماعيل جامعة القاهرة
    يحي عبد الحميد المعهد القومي لليزر
Proposed Agrovoc الليزر;
Publication Type Master Thesis