Estimation of protein and lipid in food products by spectroscopic techniques

Abstract: Protein and lipid analysis is of great importance in the food and feed industry. Whereas, protein and lipid are essential components of food. But, analysis of a sample using conventional methods is time consuming to carry out for food production. So, there is a need for rapid methods for estimation of protein and lipid in foodstuff. This study was done to investigate the use of spectroscopic techniques for performing protein and lipid analysis in some food and feed samples. IR spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy and spectrophotometry were employed in this investigation. .
The results of spectroscopic methods showed a good agreement with the results of the conventional methods. The correlation coefficients between the spectroscopic methods’ results and the conventional methods’ results were found to be (0.97-0.99) for protein and lipid analysis by different used methods.
Hence, well established spectroscopic methods – especially IR and Raman spectroscopy – can be concepted as quick, easy and inexpensive methods for quantitative measurements of protein and lipid in food and feed products without the need for pre-measurement treatments for the samples.
Publication year 2007
Availability location المركز الإقليمي للأغذية والأعلاف - ش جامعه القاهرة - الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
Country Egypt
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    يحي عبد الحميد جامعة القاهرة - المعهد القومي لعلوم الليزر
Proposed Agrovoc الطرق الطيفية;
Publication Type PhD Thesis