Selection Of High Sucrose Yield From Clones First Ratoon, Through Somaclonal Variation Of Sugarcane Saccharum officinarum. L. var. GT54-C9

Abstract: Selected 227 somaclones of sugarcane var. GT54-C9 were studied in two successive seasons to investigate the potential of using tissue culture plant to propagate and to select superior clones regarding sugar yield in comparing to the control (explant donor) at the field of Sabahia Research Station. Technological characters were measured and statistical analysis were performed which involved the correlation between studied characters each other and peroxidase zymogram of selected superior clones and their explant donor was examined. The results have shown a genetic variants observed by wide range of recorded values of each measured character in both plant crop and first ratoon. Eight clones have sugar weight higher than their donor with average of 76.2 gram (which represent their superiority in the two seasons. The correlation between studied characters in both two seasons was found to be positive and significant at the first ratoon. Such clones will be used in sugarcane breeding program. Due to improved yield and the genetic changes revealed by isozyme patterns in clones tissue culture methods can be used to create superior varieties for agriculture use
Keyword: Somaclone, Plant crop, First ratoon, Isozyme
Publication year 2000
Pages 2579-2588
Availability location معهد بحوث المحاصيل السكرية
Availability number مركز البحوث الزراعية - ش الجامعه - الجيزة
Organization Name
serial title J. Agric
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Crop husbandry
Plant products. Sugarcane.
Publication Type Journal