Utilization of wheat bran spontaneously fermentation to improve balady bread quality

Abstract: this investigation was studied using spontaneously wheat bran and added 1.25% bakery yeast to wheat bran during wheat flour fermentation process. The chemical composition of wheat flour 82% extraction and its bran were determined. The results illustrated that the wheat bran is higher in total dietary fiber, total pentosan and β-glucan than wheat flour.
The pH values, tetratable acidity (TTA) and phytic acid were measured in the spentenously wheat bran fermentation and 1.25% compressed bakery yeast plus wheat bran which fermentation for 16 and 48h. at 25ْ C during the intial and final fermentation. The results showed that the TTA increased by continuous decreased in pH values during the fermentation process. Whereby it decreased 70% of the total phytic acid loss during fermentation wheat bran plus bakery yeast for 48h. at 25ْ C
The balady bread was prepared using wheat flour 82% extraction which fermented by wheat bran fermentation processes to give four treatments of balady bread. The sensory evaluation reported that the balady bread fermented by wheat bran plus 1.25% bakery yeast for 48h. gave the highest score. Moreover the swelling power and moisture content were determined in balady bread during storage period. The results indected that the balady bread which fermentation with wheat bran plus bakery yeast after 16 and 48h. were the best in swelling power and moisture content during storage period.
It could be concluded that the fermentation process of wheat bran spontenouly and with bakery yeast improved the quality of balady bread. Whereas, the fermented of wheat bran plus bakery yeast gave the best sensory evaluation of balady bread.

Publication year 2008
Availability location معهد بحوث تكنولوجيا الأغذية
Availability number
Organization Name
External authors (outside ARC)
    رأفت نجيب سندق قسم تكنولوجيا المحاصيل معهد بحوث تكنولوجيا الأغذية- مركز البحوث الزراعية- الجيزة
    نبيل عبد الفتاح العدلي قسم خبز وعجائن
    وأسمة الجندي قسم اغذية خاصة
Agris Categories Food compositionFood science and technology
Bakery products. Bran. Bread. Breadmaking.
Publication Type Researsh & Applied Activities