An economic analysis for production and consumption of date in Egypt and Islamic Countries

Abstract: Economic Research Institute, Agriculture Research Centre
Cairo, Egypt

The research aims to identify date palm area and the present situation of date production in Egypt and Islamic countries. Egypt position was correlated with produced and consumed countries as well as feddan productivity and individual demand function of date. Data showed that world production of date increased annually by a significant rate that reached 251 thousand tons. Annually growing rate of date was 4.7%. Production of Egyptian date increases annually at significant rate reached to 48.1 thousand tons (5.8% annual increase) during the period of study (1990-2004). The study showed that the world area cultivated with palm date increased annually by a significant rate reached about 89.9 thousand tons, (4.1% annual increase). The cultivated area with palm in Egypt increased annually by a significant rate reached about 1.9 thousand tons (2.9% annual increase ). The world consumption of date is also increased significantly that reached about 271 thousand tons (5.1% annual increase) from the average of consumption which is about 5.3 million tons, during the study period. The number of fruited palm in Egypt is also increased by about 389 thousand palms and the production per palm increased significantly by about 1.14 kg annually. Six Islamic countries cultivated about 74.4% of world palm area. About 92.3% of date production yielded in ten Islamic countries that had more cultivated area represent about 86.1% of world area of date (2.6 million feddan) as an average during (2001-2005).
Egypt had the highest production (14.7 ton), followed with Sudan (3.9 ton per feddan) as an average of (2001-2005). ANOVA and LSD test showed that Egypt in first order followed with Sudan in second; Iraq, Pakistan and Oman in third and UAE in the sixth order although they had the highest cultivated area.
Saudi and UAE was the most consumed countries of date which had 33.5 and 17.5 kg of annual individual consumed rate correspond to 14.5, 13.8 and 13 kg in Libya, Egypt and Algeria, respectively during the period of study. The individual function of demand in Egypt reflect that date is one of essential goods for Egypt consumer.
The realistic price was about 0.84 while the realistic income was about 0.64 which revealed the necessities of date in Egyptian market through increasing local production or importing date considering quantity and quality.

Key words: Date, Egypt, Production, Economic Analysis

Publication year 2005
Availability location معهد بحوث الاقتصاد الزراعى
Availability number
Organization Name
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Agricultural researchPlant physiology - Growth and development
Dates. Egypt. Islamic countries.
Publication Type Researsh & Applied Activities